jbernardo writes:
"Having had several issues with systemd, and really not liking the philosophy behind it, I am looking into alternatives. I really prefer something that follows the Unix philosophy of using small, focused, and independent tools, with a clear interface. Unfortunately, my favourite distro, Arch Linux, is very much pro-systemd, and a discussion of alternatives is liable to get you banned for a month from their forums. There is an effort to support openrc, but it is still in its infancy and without much support.
So, what are the alternatives, besides Gentoo? Preferably binary... I'd rather have something like arch, with quick updates, cutting edge, but I've already used a lot in the past Mandrake, RedHat, SourceMage, Debian, Kubuntu, and so on, so the package format or the package management differences don't scare me."
[ED Note: I'm imagining FreeBSD sitting in the room with the all the Linux distros he mentioned being utterly ignored like Canada in Hetalia.]
(Score: 1) by higuita on Wednesday February 26 2014, @01:44PM
note that it is not clean if slackware will use systemd in the future or not.
Remember that several basic programs (example: udev) are include in systemd and as systemd have several features and fixes ancient init problems, Pat might also join the systemd.
No matter what some people say, systemd is right now the best init system available for linux... yes, it have many problems, but i also have some killer features... you can't simply ignore it.
As a slackware user, and after having tried several init systems and worked with AIX and solaris, i can say that systemd (or something similar) is needed to finally kill the stupid systemV init and solve the BSD init problems, so i would accept systemd in slackware (specially after applying the KISS filter on it)
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 26 2014, @04:25PM
(Score: 2) by Foobar Bazbot on Wednesday February 26 2014, @06:06PM
Right after he becomes a PAM supporter?
I don't hate systemd that much (I've got some ideological beefs with it, but it does work), but the idea that Pat'll slip it in slackware anytime soon? ROFL
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