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Title: News At A Glance

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In science news around the world, the European Space Agency chooses a new satellite mission—the Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring, to be launched in 2026—that will collect key missing data needed to predict more accurately the pace of climate change. The U.S. Department of Justice releases the first rules about when police using federal funding can use genetic ancestry databases to track down crime suspects. An association of scientific societies in China unveils a 5-year plan to develop world-class science and technology journals managed by Chinese organizations. A watchdog agency reports financial conflicts of interest that could bias researchers funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health are rare; only about 3% of 55,600 grants awarded in 2018 involved a researcher with a "significant" financial interest.

Vol 366, Issue 6461
04 October 2019

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A roundup of weekly science policy and related news.

A roundup of weekly science policy and related news.

Vol 366, Issue 6461

© 2019 American Association for the Advancement of Science []. All rights reserved. AAAS is a partner of HINARI [], AGORA [], OARE [], CHORUS [], CLOCKSS [], CrossRef [] and COUNTER [].
Science ISSN 1095-9203.

Original Submission