Slashdot, a user-generated news, analysis, peer question and professional insight community. Tech professionals moderate the site which averages more than 5,300 comments daily and 3.7 million unique visitors each month.
As I said before, we don't have a really good idea on the number of unique IPIDs visiting the site, but we do have solid numbers for our daily comment counts. Here's the graph as generated by slashcode for a biweekly period:
(due to a quirk in slashcode, the graphs don't update until 48 hours later; our comment count for 04/01 was 712 comments total).
Taking in account averages, we're roughly getting a little less than 10% of Slashdot's comment counts, with a considerably smaller user base. As I said, the OkCupid story made me take notice. Here's the comment counts at various scores between the two sites
| SoylentNews | | --------------------------------------- Score -1 | 130 | 1017 | Score 0 | 130 | 1005 | Score 1 | 109 | 696 | Score 2 | 74 | 586 | Score 3 | 12 | 96 | Score 4 | 4 | 64 | Score 5 | 1 | 46 | ---------------------------------------Furthermore, I took a look at UIDs on the other site, the vast majority of comments came from 6/7 digit UID posters. Looking at CmdrTaco's Retirement Post as well as posts detailing the history of the other site most of the low UIDs are still around, and are simply in perma-lurk mode.
(Score: 1) by aiwarrior on Wednesday April 02 2014, @11:03AM
From what I read in the comments, what people appreciate in this site is that the signal is quite high. If so, maybe a binary level karma system would help. Most of the posts here are so interesting that I end up browsing with no threshold in flat mode. I have yet to see a troll, even though I am sure they will come.
Making a system of clearer notifications on the main page when a comment of yours was replied might help further engagement with old stories and respective public discussions.
Another interesting insight I think I got from the comments, but that no one suggested, is that people actually like the community small and want to keep it that way. One of the arguments is that in slashdot the community is so big and powerfull(as in insightful) that it feels there is nothing to add.
I even fantasize about an artificially segregated community, so as to give people the illusion that they still have something to say. Upon commenting or moderating they would have access to the highest rated posts.
Creating research groups or projects based on a story would be nice also.
PS: I am a lurker most of the times, even here.
(Score: 2) by NCommander on Wednesday April 02 2014, @11:59AM
I've gotten a request from the editoral team to bring out the Nexus feature in slash so we'll have I plan to make some tweaks before going ahead of this, so we might end up with something that is very similiar if SN and subreddits had a baby. I'll be discussing this "soon"
Still always moving
(Score: 1) by aiwarrior on Wednesday April 02 2014, @02:05PM
That would be good because it would allow vetted stories and a bigger possibility for niches. It seems the community likes a small number of high quality posts. Topics would segregate the community towards that.