Slashdot, a user-generated news, analysis, peer question and professional insight community. Tech professionals moderate the site which averages more than 5,300 comments daily and 3.7 million unique visitors each month.
As I said before, we don't have a really good idea on the number of unique IPIDs visiting the site, but we do have solid numbers for our daily comment counts. Here's the graph as generated by slashcode for a biweekly period:
(due to a quirk in slashcode, the graphs don't update until 48 hours later; our comment count for 04/01 was 712 comments total).
Taking in account averages, we're roughly getting a little less than 10% of Slashdot's comment counts, with a considerably smaller user base. As I said, the OkCupid story made me take notice. Here's the comment counts at various scores between the two sites
| SoylentNews | | --------------------------------------- Score -1 | 130 | 1017 | Score 0 | 130 | 1005 | Score 1 | 109 | 696 | Score 2 | 74 | 586 | Score 3 | 12 | 96 | Score 4 | 4 | 64 | Score 5 | 1 | 46 | ---------------------------------------Furthermore, I took a look at UIDs on the other site, the vast majority of comments came from 6/7 digit UID posters. Looking at CmdrTaco's Retirement Post as well as posts detailing the history of the other site most of the low UIDs are still around, and are simply in perma-lurk mode.
(Score: 1) by zizban on Wednesday April 02 2014, @01:30PM
It was the moderation, which got worse and worse as time went on. I remember posting a reply to someone who stated Apple had "finally gotten on the ARM bandwagon" with the iPhone, pointing out Apple had used ARM before in Newtons and got moderated 0, troll. Later I posted that ChromeOS was getting standalone apps, packaged apps, and I got moderated -1 troll. That was the breaking point for me.
Here I lurk mostly because right now (as others have said) people are saying the things I would say and better than I could have.
(Score: 1) by jmoschner on Wednesday April 02 2014, @02:19PM
Moderation is one reason I didn't post much at /. Not that I was modded down all the time (except when dice went through and modded down then locked threads with negative feedback on beta), but because I usually was getting and using my mod points. Instead of another 'Me Too" post I just modded up comments that were interesting or insightful. Though I avoided topics that were likely to be full of fan-boys as it was not worth wasting points in that area. Instead I focused on areas where there were fewer comments and nobody was giving people props they deserved.
As an aside, you cannot comment as yourself if you mod. I think that may also influence the number of posts. For example if I mod up one comment in five different stories, those are five stories I cannot comment on. Though I may have contributed to five conversations, by the comment stat alone it doesn't show I have.