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posted by martyb on Tuesday May 01 2018, @07:03AM   Printer-friendly
from the department_text dept.
20180501_110533 UTC New story submitted using 'new' on admin bar and clicking immediately on 'save' button.. this is the "Intro Copy"
This is the "Extended Copy"
posted by martyb on Monday April 09 2018, @06:16PM   Printer-friendly
from the ? dept.

This is a test story on which there is to be a sufficient number of comments to cause them to spill onto a subsequent page.

The intent is to have a place to experiment with ways to better call out that pagination has occurred.

This in response to a problem reported by a user where they thought their comment had disappeared.

:: Specify cookie first, otherwise, the chain of invocations ends up defaulting to martyb:
CALL SN_API_cookies "cookies.martyb.txt"

:: This is the story we want to post comments to:
CALL SN_API_story_URL ""

:: Non-subscribers need to wait 10s after getting reskey before they can post a comment;
:: Subscribers do not need to wait:
CALL SN_API_comment_sleep 0s

SET sn

CALL comment 0000
SET sn
   CALL comment 0001 --reply-to 0000
      CALL comment 0002 --reply-to 0001
         CALL comment 0003 --reply-to 0002
         CALL comment 0004 --reply-to 0002
      CALL comment 0005 --reply-to 0001
         CALL comment 0006 --reply-to 0005
         CALL comment 0007 --reply-to 0005
   CALL comment 0008 --reply-to 0000
      CALL comment 0009 --reply-to 0008
         CALL comment 0010 --reply-to 0009
         CALL comment 0011 --reply-to 0009
      CALL comment 0012 --reply-to 0008
         CALL comment 0013 --reply-to 0012
         CALL comment 0014 --reply-to 0012

CALL comment 0015
   CALL comment 0016 --reply-to 0015
      CALL comment 0017 --reply-to 0016
         CALL comment 0018 --reply-to 0017
         CALL comment 0019 --reply-to 0017
      CALL comment 0020 --reply-to 0016
         CALL comment 0021 --reply-to 0020
         CALL comment 0022 --reply-to 0020
   CALL comment 0023 --reply-to 0015
      CALL comment 0024 --reply-to 0023
         CALL comment 0025 --reply-to 0024
         CALL comment 0026 --reply-to 0024
      CALL comment 0027 --reply-to 0023
         CALL comment 0028 --reply-to 0027
         CALL comment 0029 --reply-to 0027

Original Submission

posted by fyngyrz on Thursday March 08 2018, @11:10AM   Printer-friendly
from the stray-cats dept.

On April 9, 1972, Iraq and the Soviet Union signed an historic agreement. The USSR committed to arming the Arab republic with the latest weaponry. In return for sending Baghdad guns, tanks and jet fighters, Moscow got just one thing — influence... in a region that held most of the world's accessible oil.

Nixon and his national security adviser Henry Kissinger visited Tehran in May 1972 — and promptly offered the shah a "blank check." Any weapons the king wanted and could pay for, he would get — regardless of the Pentagon's own reservations and the State Department's stringent export policies.

That's how, starting in the mid-1970s, Iran became the only country besides the United States to operate arguably the most powerful interceptor jet ever built — the Grumman F-14 Tomcat, a swing-wing carrier fighter packing a sophisticated radar and long-range AIM-54 Phoenix air-to-air missiles.

Today Iran's 40 or so surviving F-14s remain some of the best fighters in the Middle East. And since the U.S. Navy retired its last Tomcats in 2006, the ayatollah's Tomcats are the only active Tomcats left in the world.

TFA goes on in some depth both about the historical importance of the F-14 as it flew nearly 50 years ago, as well as the challenges Iran has faced in creating an entirely new supply chain, and eventually new upgrades, to keep a fleet of dedicated interceptors from the last century in service.

Original Submission

posted by fyngyrz on Thursday March 08 2018, @10:56AM   Printer-friendly
from the HEPA-filter dept.

A new study showed a link between strong right-wing views and fear of disease and increased concern about hygiene.

The study showed that people who are more offended by bad odors are more likely to support authoritarian leaders such as Donald Trump.

In the past, disgust at bad odors may have been important for survival. The scientists suggested that the disgust at unfamiliar odors may be linked to a desire to keep apart from "culturally unfamiliar" groups.

Jonas Olofsson, a researcher in scent and psychology at Stockholm University, said:

It showed that people who were more disgusted by smells were also more likely to vote for Donald Trump than those who were less sensitive,

We thought that was interesting because Donald Trump talks frequently about how different people disgust him.

The research was published in Royal Society Open Science.

Original Submission

Original Submission

posted by fyngyrz on Thursday March 08 2018, @10:25AM   Printer-friendly
from the we'll-toast-to-that dept.

Arthur T Knackerbracket has found the following story:

The bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the main causes of infections and sepsis in people suffering from severe burns because it is difficult, if not impossible, to fight. Researchers at the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, have succeeded in revealing the dynamics of the pathogen's physiology and metabolism during its growth in exudates, the biological fluids that seep out of burn wounds.

...this study allows to follow step-by-step the strategies developed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa to proliferate and, thus, to guide the development of innovative treatments to counter them.

Manuel R. Gonzalez says:

"Since the availability of iron is a limiting factor for bacterial growth, a Trojan horse type strategy should be considered, which is under development."

Manuel R. Gonzalez, Verena Ducret, Sara Leoni, Betty Fleuchot, Paris Jafari, Wassim Raffoul, Lee A. Applegate, Yok-Ai Que, Karl Perron. Transcriptome Analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cultured in Human Burn Wound Exudates. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2018; 8 DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2018.00039

Original Submission

posted by chromas on Thursday March 01 2018, @06:26AM   Printer-friendly
from the You-can't-tell-me-what-to-say-you-can't-say dept.

Full article found at Current Affairs:

I have been told, over and over and over again, that college kids these days are hypersensitive snowflakes who can't tolerate opposing opinions and don't believe in free speech. They are so devoted to Tolerance and Diversity that they cannot take a joke, they think everything is a microaggression, and they want to slap "trigger warnings" on anything that may offend their political sensibilities. We have, on American college campuses, a new generation of spoiled, coddled, and censorious whiners who favor stifling dissenting opinions over constructively engaging with them. (I'm presenting this line of thinking in its most extreme form, but I don't think it's wrong to say that this is roughly the kind of sentiment one commonly hears about college students.)

But it looks like it may all be fake news.

More importantly, though, we can see here why reaching broad conclusions from sets of anecdotes is inadvisable. There are around 2,600 four-year universities in the United States. Friedersdorf tried to compile all of the most outrageous instances from a single year, and found about 10 of them. Those 10 were probably roughly evenly distributed according to the political affiliation of the students; i.e. there are more shutdown attempts by liberal students than conservative students, but students are also more liberal.

From the conclusion:

It's time then, to stop talking in stereotypes. Students are, for the most part, just like everybody else: they believe in free speech, but they also have an instinct for censorship. The tendencies that critics describe do exist, but their mistake is in taking the tendencies as the rule rather than the exception. Controversial speakers do, for the most part, get to come to speak, and images of millennials as uniquely sensitive and authoritarian are a misleading and unfair slight against a perfectly decent generation.

Original Submission

The whole piece strikes this submitter as worth the read, as it is replete with facts and studies, as well as coming from a point of view of actual experience at universities.

posted by fyngyrz on Tuesday February 27 2018, @10:45PM   Printer-friendly
from the dept dept.

This is a test sample story. It is intended to provide fyngyrz with an opportunity to flail away at some sample verbiage.

All right, that was fun. :)

So, is there an editorial guidelines page? Rules for changing text (strikeouts, just do it, or what)?


Original Submission

posted by chromas on Sunday February 25 2018, @06:41AM   Printer-friendly
from the teste dept.

This is my story for Chromas. This story should be set to release today 25 Feb at 1500 UTC.

Original Submission

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