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posted by robind on Thursday February 13 2014, @12:15AM   Printer-friendly
from the en-rusia-soviética dept.
Maow writes "ArsTechnica has a story up about another advanced malware infection discovered by Kaspersky that is thought to have been around since 2007, slurping up data from its targets.

Fortunately, you likely were not infected. Your government, however, might have been. Especially if you live in a Spanish-speaking country.

Calling it the most sophisticated malware-driven espionage campaign ever discovered, researchers said they have uncovered an attack dating back to at least 2007 that infected computers running the Windows, OS X, and Linux operating systems of 380 victims in 31 countries."

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  • (Score: 2, Funny) by LaminatorX on Thursday February 13 2014, @12:26AM

    by LaminatorX (14) <reversethis-{moc ... ta} {xrotanimal}> on Thursday February 13 2014, @12:26AM (#23)
    A botnet quietly creates more communication between various nations' governments than years of diplomacy.
    This is our news site. There are others like it, but this one is ours.
    • (Score: 1) by NCommander on Thursday February 13 2014, @12:28AM

      by NCommander (2) <> on Thursday February 13 2014, @12:28AM (#24) Homepage Journal
      I remember there was a statistic that something like a 1/5 or so of all internet traffic was email. That was a couple years ago, but I suspect botnet traffic probably is the bulk of it.
      Still always moving ...
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 13 2014, @12:33AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 13 2014, @12:33AM (#27)
      Good work everyone! Seems to work, haven't seen any specific errors. CSS needs some adjustment, but that's to be expected.
    • (Score: 1) by soulde on Thursday February 13 2014, @02:00AM

      by soulde (27) on Thursday February 13 2014, @02:00AM (#42)
      We should hire this malware guys to a new diplomacy system. Just don't give them the keys of nukes.
      • (Score: 1) by janrinok on Friday February 14 2014, @04:33PM

        by janrinok (52) on Friday February 14 2014, @04:33PM (#113) Journal

        Its OK, they leave them in their suit trouser pocket when they send it to the cleaners... (GWB! I believe)

        It's always my fault...
  • (Score: 1) by amblivous on Thursday February 13 2014, @02:15AM

    by amblivous (19) on Thursday February 13 2014, @02:15AM (#45)

    For those who have not, or will not rtfa, this article is referring to the Mask or 'Careto' malware.

    Actually I just need some mod points so please mod this informative ;-)

    All generalisations are false.
  • (Score: 1) by toygeek on Thursday February 13 2014, @02:15AM

    by toygeek (28) on Thursday February 13 2014, @02:15AM (#46) Homepage
    That sounds very targeted, especially with the diversity of the OS's involved.
    There is no Sig.
  • (Score: 1) by omoc on Friday February 14 2014, @12:41PM

    by omoc (39) on Friday February 14 2014, @12:41PM (#84)
    It's interesting that Kaspersky is always the company who finds sophisticated malware first. It almost seems like the US based security companies deliberately ignore these. Shamed be he who thinks evil of it.